Description: – WikiBrains is the world’s largest crowd-sourced brainstorming website developed for people to brainstorm in advanced ways by formulating ideas, learning new things, sharing and collaborating through the power of associations.
Pain Point/Need:-
Bookmarking, Curation
Mind Mapping, Educational Search, Wiki Creators
Platform: – Web, Desktop
Usability: – Activities like brainstorming and mind-mapping have now become
time-consuming, boring, intense and tiring experiences. These creative processes should be fun and dynamic and must take advantage of the smart crowd. Adroit creativity and innovation come through working in associations; hence, WikiBrains was developed with an aim to create an online brain that sparks creativity and out of the box thinking through collaboration and eventually promotes multi-cultural understanding for an abundant future.
It is a universal brainstorming session where we all add and take ideas from each other and the more we add, the smarter it gets. You can search for what interests you and see what the rest of the world thinks about it and find information that matters to you in an instant.
Teachers and students can use WikiBrains to find and collect content, collaborate and share their associations. It is a tool built for education, fun learning and facile knowledge accumulation, both in the classroom and at home.
Walk-Through:- Though WikiBrains can be used without registering for a user account, to have a more personalized experience (save your ideas, see connections and more) you can sign up for free through an online form or sign in with your Facebook or Twitter.
Start brainstorming with WikiBrains – add words that pop in your mind, move the bubbles (represent associations or topics), explore, browse the info bar to find relevant content without the need to open dozens of tabs, click plus to collect what you love, easily swap between a general (public) and personal brainstorm, add new associations, click ‘i’ to zero-in on specific connections.
Contact Us – To know more
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