Learning is much ado without teaching to preface the spread of knowledge. The teachers today require a CYBER PRESENCE via YouTube videos or a Scribd publication in order to jelly the taste of engagement with them, the Wi-Fi learners of the new age of but teachers’ of any assistance, otherwise.
Cyber based computing has evolved a new era of learning thy own way ! ! ! via cyberspace at pace of your own and at no definition of the classroom restricted with the four walls of the classroom to be private and serious. Teachers’ who once were the SAGE on the STAGE are now forced to be the guides on the floor. They act like facilitators now to students as an aid to learning which is now more a formality in classrooms.. It is at majority of the time that he is told the same things what has been already shared with him by their parents/ friends or at the online tutorial option through the various search engines, primarily, the GOOGLE. We encapsulate the very nature of learning but with a little intelligence otherwise they come up to us (probably if not, will with the march of time and tide), I quote, “Sir/ Madam, It is already in the book. Please tell us something new”. Do we have a reply to them?
Various researchers and scholars have defined the need of Quality Education but no one has ever desired the need of “We” the teachers today to be interesting and “Informed” with the march of time or else we would be the only “Un-interested” thing (Identity) in the class, if we are not enriching and of any interest to the children to make them forget their Facebook Walls’ and the SMS which otherwise make their mind fertile of interest.
The branching of tabs in the classrooms has delivered a new preface of learning with teachers discovering information and sharing verbatim.Over the years with the march of time and tide, the education system has delivered progress to the nation and to the world as all Top companies globally pay attention and work on the rolls of Indians who are known for their Expertise and Intelligence.
The delivery of new order learning for our children explores the intelligence with teachers in demand of being a ROCKSTAR. The application of novel modules integrated with multimedia based packages/ contents applicate to the new learning for our 21st Century Googlers. The Indian Scenario of Academic climate of schools has had a remarkable sense of change and modularity through the introduction of CCE in particular and it has been rightly nurtured via the Mentor/ Mentee research based delivery by the Central Board of Secondary Education. What I believe in sense is the change which needs to be mustered. As a matter of fact, we must believe in the fact that Learning should be just that, not memorization of content provided by the instructor which limits people who have different learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic etc.) to assimilate the information. Above all the Indian learning scenario needs to be focused towards an outcome, not THE outcome of result allowing for different perspectives of thought and internalization of the subject. Taking it one step further is the collaborative model which incorporates a team on a “hunt” for information forming a conclusion based on personal land shared perspective (synthetic learning) highly desired today.
The promotion in the case of implementing the new tools of learning has yielded in generating the Quality cult in schools of today with a spectrum of inputs through the stakeholders viz. Parents, Students and the teachers.As a matter of fact it is true to the world that the teachers are no longer the sole imparters of knowledge but they need to empower the students to learn at pace and at their leisure through personal learning networks keeping their special traits of talents and interests. The teachers just don’t end up after the class is over but on the jolt for 24 hours around the cyber linkage or social networks further. There is no wall now or the boundary of learning. The innovative educator has to evolve a personal learning network for his or her improvement first. Not only this, she has to reach to the students as well where in there is no boundary of limitation in a big way. It is a way to build ones’ own classroom and one’s own network of learning. The change or the shift here is that we can connect around and share ideas which is not so in the one to many mode of classroom learning.
To my knowledge and interest they must be given an opportunity only when required but as a habit. The module particularly by Next Education India delivers TeachNext, one of the highly enriched packed e-learning delivery, is entitled to successful learning at large. With over 6,000 schools on count, the product delivers e-learning with perfection and routine interest to the pupils with pride !
The innovative learning is not limited to a physical space but an open learning scenario with preface to one’s comfort at his reading home at home or a TV room at large. It is very much unlike the class room learning with a same group all days, all the time. Here the community is different and the learning is more spectacular further. Here the teacher concerned is the one who has to be engaged and involved in the conversations as a leader or a facilitator further. And this makes the Indian Education System more challenging to face the 21st Century Learners…who are fertile already with knowledge and come to classrooms to route their intelligence and explore collaborative learning and a Win-Win explorage of situations at times.
Kudos to the Teachers who are challenged at all times with students arguing towards their favourite replies or responses to their queries in the classrooms. Hopefully, the e-learning or the digital classes help the learning teachers to a limit.
Any comments..! Are we prepared. . . Sounds interesting and we need to prepare for the showcase if we want a patient learning to occur in our classrooms.