This presentation identified evidence-based models which utilize technology, evaluation, in-classroom support, OERs, and other means to improve teachers’ classroom performance in fragile and low-income contexts.
Teachers have a vital role to play in the development of learners’ literacy and numeracy and other relevant life skills, yet too often standards of teaching are low and the professional support teachers receive is woefully inadequate. New approaches are therefore urgently required.
250 million students are failing to develop the basic skills.
For teachers to be well trained, they need Intensive forms of support and multiple forms of support.
6 ways we can change teacher education/PD:
1. Work with brilliant teacher-educators – they know the classroom scenario, many trainers don’t.
2. Measure Performance – create macro level standard for PD providers, evaluate PD programs, evaluation of PD impact, check on classroom observation for short term and student performance in long term evaluation.
3. Do what we know works (build on evidence-based practices)
4. Bring Teachers Together – encourage sharing and collaborative learning at school level and even outside. Do see “Teacher Learning Circles” used by NGOs and others.
5. Support teachers, keep supporting them and treat them as professionals through in-school coaching, or videos, webinars, peer observation. You must invest in principals/teacher leaders, and materials should not be compromised on, they should be high quality (OERs).
6. Keep Innovating, Capture Knowledge – use technology wisely, borrow openly, learn from work of others, eg: English in Action (Bangladesh)