Maker education is where kids learn by doing! The processes of making leads to learning and help kids refine their creativity and imagination with real life experiences.
Below are some wonderful web resources that you must check to motivate kids for maker education.
Articles That You Must Read
1. Whats the Maker Movement and Why Should I Care?
Dig deep with this post. What is maker movement, why is it important, how can we practice it communities and more.
2. The Philosophy Of Education Makerspaces
A great read that will give you lots of insights about makerspaces in education, how it invites curiosity and helps kids in learning.
3. Designing A School Makerspace
This post by edutopia will tell you what all you need to get started with makerspace in your school. Get all your what, which, where, who, when, where and how answered by this post.
4. Things You Should Know About Makerspace
7 pointers that you must know about makerspace. This post covers the downsides, where is it going and significance of makerspaces.
5. How The Maker Movement Is Moving Into Classrooms
This post by edutopia is highlighting the practices of makerspaces around the globe and how it is being integrated into classrooms. Also check, Remaking Education: Designing Classroom Makerspaces For Transformative Learning
6. The Make Movement and The Classroom
This article by Edudemic is a must read. The article highlights how maker education improves learning and focuses on 4 key elements namely, concrete experience, observation and experience, abstract concepts and test in new situations. The post also covers how schools can start with maker movement.
7. Key Qualities For A School Makerspace
An interesting read defining the qualities of makerspaces in terms of people, place and process.
Videos To Watch
1. The Power Of Maker Education
A very nice mix stating advantages and thoughts about maker education and how it is enhancing the learning process of kids.
2. The Maker Movement: Jeff Sturges at TEDx Midwest
This TEDx talk presents makerspace as “catalysts” for interaction that brings like-minded people and builds a community where learning can happen seamless. Sturges believes that collaborative making and learning can be much more than just STEM and STEAM education – they can be a way to strengthen our communities and ourselves. By cultivating a DIY/DIO mindset and increasing access to tools and knowledge, we the people will be better equipped to make things better.
3. Maker Education: Reaching All Learner
Watch out this video to know what students are actually “doing” in their schools to make their learning happen in many ways.
4. How The Maker Movement Connects Students To Engineering & Technology
This is a fantastic video showing the use of maker education in engineering and technology with which students are being able to learn by doing so many things while engaging and actively participating.
1. Maker Education and Experiential Education
A great visual characterizing the similarities of maker education and experiential education.
Get to know more about the tools that you can use in your maker ed classroom and links to additional resources in this infographic.
I came across this on pinterest and found it pretty simple to aware kids about the good thing ”makerspace”. This is a representation of how students can start with or give a try to the maker education.
4. Reasons Why Maker Education Can Improve Students Learning
This is a good way to inform students how maker education will improve their learning. The infographic puts light on how maker education promotes learning that is authentic & relevant, active and engaging, helps in community building, boosts metacognition and give students their choice.
5. The Do-It-Yourself Movement Goes to school
Also known as DIY movement, this infographic is a complete guide covering the labs in schools, the equipment you get to have your hands on, how to invent and why is it important.
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