The concept Higher Order Thinking (HOT) is fast gaining importance in modern education as it can bring in a reform in education based on learning taxonomies.
Besides, such kind of a skill underpins a kind of thinking ability in students that helps them in making maximum use of their cognitive skills. So basically students learn to analyze things beyond what they have learned. They think and proceed towards a higher level than just merely memorizing facts and applying it in return without much thinking.
Like any other skills, the Higher Order Thinking Skills too can be learned with practice. So here we have compiled a list of Apps to be used in order to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills through practice. Take a look at these Apps and understand how they could help a student in shaping their skills to promote Higher Order Thinking.
Video Based APPS to Shape Higher Level Thinking Skills
1. Magisto App
It is an App with the help of which, students can automatically turn their personal photos or video clips into magical music video. This video editing App is beneficial as it helps the students to nourish their creative skills and knowledge as and when creating their own piece of work. Students cannot become a pro Video editor all in a day but with the use of this tool, they can certainly develop a knack of creating immersive presentation or video in the students and also learn the effective ways in which they can communicate their creative ideas.
Compatibility- the App is meant for both iOS and Android based devices.
2. Tellagami
It is a Mobile App with the help of which a student can create as well as share a quick animated video called a Gami. It is a digital storytelling creator and publishing tool. What’s interesting about this tool is that, here the students can create a virtual avatar and club it with an interesting background image or their own background picture to create an interesting video. In addition, students can select a voice for the avatar to communicate, use their own voice by recording it for the voiceover or type the dialogue text to be used in the video.
In order to make their work social, the link of their video can be posted to Twitter if they send their complete “gamis” to the Tellagami server or it could be directly saved to the mobile device’s camera and uploaded in the video-hosting sites or a file server automatically.
Compatibility– the App is compatible with both iOS and Android Devices.
3. Mindomo
It is an important App for students as with the use of it, students do not simply understand things but also learn in the process. Through this tool, the learners can actually outline complex concepts, tasks, ideas and other information alike in a structured format. So when, students require a clear overview of tasks, ideas or plans, the need for tool such as Mindomo is the best pick for students no doubt.
Compatibility– This App is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.
STEM Apps for Higher Order Thinking Skills
This App is a one stop solution for students when they wish to shape their programming skills by challenging their brain. Here in this tool, the students will not however have to meddle with complex lingo and detailed syntax of code but they can slowly get introduced to programming skills and its concepts.
Since the game is tough, therefore students need to first start off with a six-level tutorial to get familiarized with the controls and features of the tool.
It designed for the students (standard 5-12’TH) to develop their coding functionality, engineering, critical thinking, technological usability skills level by level.
Compatibility- This App is basically an iOS based APP.
2. Doodle Fit
This App is an engaging geometric puzzle app that allow kids to exercise their creative plus problem solving skills and develop spatial reasoning ability in them. It is designed for younger kids (standard 2-6) so that they get engaged into playing this game and keep a track of their progress levels.
Compatibility– the App is compatible to both Android and iOS devices.
3. Tinkerbox
It is an App that’s designed (Standard 6-12’TH) to develop their engineering, physics, puzzle solving and making new creation ability. It contains a six level engineering puzzles that help in creating Rube Goldberg like machines. So with this tool in hand, students can certainly develop their engineering skills level by level and develop self-confidence by attaining engineering skills.
Compatibility- this App is compatible to both Android and iOS based devices.
4. Lab4Physics
It is an interesting App with the help of which, students can use their smartphone and tablets as virtual lab instruments in their physics classroom. This tool has been designed (Standard 6-12’TH) to help students to practically apply physics concepts in their classroom and help them get empowered to design their own scientific investigations.
Compatibility– this App compatible to both Android and iOS devices.
5. Autodesk Digital STEM Measurement
It is an interactive App that helps students get a lab like experience by using the interactive components. It is designed for students (standard 3-12’TH) to help them want to explore more and learn on their own. Here in this tool, kids are in charge of self-directing their learning and this therefore helps them to build their own understanding.
Compatibility- the App is compatible to iOS based devices.
To conclude, make use of the above mentioned tools to help students develop their Higher Level Thinking Skills. By using the App you can also experience its various usage benefits in real time. And please do not forget to give your feedback on the same through your comments.