Editorial Team

EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
1383 Articles

Beyond Band Aid: Tech Brings New Ways to Use Data for Social Good

Technology has changed the way we do just about everything. For Karnataka

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Brainly, A Widely Known Social Learning Network, Now to Enter Indian Market

Brainly is one of the biggest social learning networks with more than

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[Infographic] Various Education Initiatives by Google

“Education lies at the very core of our company’s mission, to organize

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Interview with Satish Rajagopalan, CEO, Apna Course

EdTechReview has been extensively covering interesting players and cutting edge developments in

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Introduction To Social Media In Education

Social media has revolutionized communication, business and even the way we interact

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7 Great Social Studies Apps for Teachers and Students

The wide selection of educational apps available today, make sure that students’

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[Infographic] Growth of Online MBA Education

"Nearly one-third of academic enrollment across the United States is in online

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NMC Horizon Report 2014 Higher Education Edition: Summary

The internationally recognized NMC Horizon Report series, that is a part of

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Innovative Education: 10 Must Have Apps for the Classroom

There is much that has been said about the iPad and how

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Regional EdTech Seminar, New Delhi, 31st January 2014

EdTechNext organized its first regional EdTech Seminar on 31st January 2014 at The

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First School in the Cloud Takes Shape in India

New Delhi, 4th Feb’14: India’s first ‘School in the Cloud’ facility is

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India Learning Expo Brings Together the Education Leaders from School and Business

3rd & 4th Feb 2014 at Epicentre Gurgaon. India Learning Expo brings together the

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Open Education Challenge: Great Opportunity for Education Entrepreneurs and Startups

Educational practitioners and innovators who are passionate about education now have a

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Why would a Teacher Use a VLE?

A well-designed Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) has all the tools and services

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E-book Creation – March 20, 2014

Thanks to the multiple functionalities mobile devices like tablets and smart phones

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