Education Tech Summit 2013, India – Teach, Learn and Grow with IT
India is one of the world's largest educational systems. The private education…
[Infographic] Using Tablets For Teaching
Although tablets have been around for a few years, they've become an…
Storypanda – Digital Books for Kids
Description:- Storypanda is an iPad application that is designed to deliver digitized…
Positive Impact of Technology On Education
From online learning to interactive whiteboards to social media , technology continues…
How K-12 Education is Moving Increasingly Online?
Rotational… Flex… Self-blended… Enriched-virtual… What are these terms describing? Apps? Cars? New…
Few Perfect Educational Apps Your Kids Must Have To Learn and Enjoy
In recent years, the usage of smart mobile devices increased in leaps…
NMC Horizon Report 2013 K-12 – Summary and Full Report
The NMC Horizon Report 2013 (K-12 Edition) Report is out and there…
What is Educational Data Mining (EDM)?
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is an emerging discipline, concerned with developing methods…
[Infographic] Kids Are Using More Mobile Than Ever – According to Apple
Today’s children were born and raised in a world of digital convenience,…
[Infographic] Stages of Technology Development for Kids
Today, most Gen Xers and Gen Yers didn’t receive their first cellphone…
What is Learning Analytics (LA)?
Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about…
How Can Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Improve and Personalize Education?
As more learning happens online, more data is generated and this data…
Make Learning Safe, Mobile and Collaborative with BYOD
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 @ 10:00:00 AM EDT and aso 1:00:00…
What is Mobile Learning (M-Learning)?
Mobile Learning is any sort of learning that happens when the learner…
How Technology in Schools Has Changed Over the Years
Technology has been a part of teaching and learning in the past…