Social Media is no more a game of only Facebook and Twitter, there are other social tools to keep up with the latest news including educational technology. Pinterest has picked up pace big time now, and it is becoming a favorite tool of educators and
learners all over the world. There are various PinBoards containing great news on edtech and these pins are being loved by students and teachers, to explore new ways to learn, share, teach, and evolve.
It would be impossible to include all the edtech pinboards, so we’ve shared some of the boards we think would stand out amongst the Pinterest collections. These are run by educational websites, key edtech enthusiasts, and well-known bloggers, and a few by tech savvy teachers who want to spread awareness on education technology all together.
1. Vicki Davis, Teaching Ideas and Apps:
Vicki Davis, aka “Cool Cat Teacher,” is a popular edtech blogger. Here she shares some great tools and ideas for using technology in the classroom.
2. Edutopia, Students Like Tech!:
Edutopia pins resources for 21st century teaching and learning with tablets, great infographics, insights, and articles about edtech, and much more. Personal Favorite.
3. Edudemic, The Best Web 2.0 Tools:
Edudemic is a great resource for edtech enthusiasts, it pins some of their favorites, including lists of hundreds of educational apps and websites and their use in education.
4. Cristin Dillard, #EdTech:
This edtech board is filled with helpful resources for using technology in the classroom, finding apps, and web 2.0 tools, too.
5. EdTechReview:
EdTechReview pins the latest education tools, apps, and products reviewed with the best practices to use them effectively in your classroom. Their research and reports are focused on different stakeholders like students, teachers, decision makers and parents. 820 + pins and counting.
6. Patricia Brown, EDTECH:
There are numerous videos, tutorials, articles, and other resources to help you learn how to better use technology in education on this very helpful board.
7. TeacherVision, Educational Technology:
TeacherVision offers great resources on their own site but also on their Pinterest account. One can find great boards like this one, pinning dozens of valuable resources for teaching with technology.
8. Kathy Schrock, Kathy Schrock’s Support Pages:
On this board, you’ll find helpful support pages that can assist you in making the most of her tech-focused presentations.
9. TED News, TED ED:
On this board, you’ll get access to some of the most amazing videos and activities related to education technology. Check out the resources offered by TED Ed now.
10. Kristin Brynteson, Ed tech:
From free apps for education to the best websites for teachers, this board is full of amazing pins: 270 and counting!
11. Samia Wahab, Ed Tech Articles:
Looking to do some edtech reading? There are almost 40 articles well worth reading pinned here that can help make you an edtech expert.
12. Jennie Hoffmann, EdTech: Awesome Web Tools:
This board is a great resource for finding web tools and activities to use in the classroom.
13. Charity Preston, Technology:
You’ll discover all kinds of new and innovative ways to bring technology into your elementary school classroom with the help of this pinboard.
14. ISTE, Ed Tech Resources:
Educators will find help in understanding Google, boosting media literacy, using tablets, and even links to tons of free software.
15. Rachel Friedrich, Technology:
This board is a solid resource for finding tech-related materials for the classroom, even boasting a link to 155 Reading Rainbow episodes.
16. Med Kharbach, Teacher Free Resources:
This board collects numerous (and we do mean numerous) resources for teachers that are free to use. So far, the collection includes worksheets, printables, tutorials, infographics, and more.
17. Eric Sheninger, Twitter Resources, Apps, and Tools:
Those interested in using Twitter in the classroom will find a wealth of resources on signing up, tweeting, and connecting with others.
18. K S, Technology in Education:
Created by an arts educator and a curriculum consultant in Canada, this board can help educators learn more about digital literacy and teaching with tech, through pins of articles, videos, and resource lists.
19. Shelly Terrell, Digital Storytelling:
Digital storytelling can be an excellent way to get kids engaged with learning through technology. On this board, you’ll find project ideas, resources, and writing tools to get you started.
20. Education Technology Group Board:
20 different teachers and educators are working together to share apps, resources, and web tools that have helped them to be more successful in the classroom.