Tue, Feb 24 – 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Hosted by HCL TalentCare
If the teacher drops the fundamental assumption around him being the only source of knowledge for a subject, what changes? Can a teacher afford to feel that her power comes from his access to knowledge? At the basic level today we are already witnessing this in action in the new age of learning paradigm. The access, quantum and quality of “expert knowledge” available to the connected class poses some existential questions on the role of a “classical teacher”.
Flipped classroom at conceptual level addresses this change – it is possibly the pivotal component in the new age digital learning. However, there are multiple dimensions along which one needs to map the process of learning to capture the essence of a flipped classroom.
This workshop is designed with the following objectives:
1. Explore the understanding of a learning process and its relevance in the context of changing learner landscape
2. Delve into the critical dimensions of learning a. Learner role b. Metacognition c. Ontology d. Technology and e. Facilitation to identify the key impact of the changing learner landscape
3. Define the process of a flipped classroom highlighting its impact of the learning process
4. Look at some of the tools and solutions available to engineer a flipped classroom
5. Demonstrate the value of flipped classroom in the overall scheme of digital learning
6. Acknowledge the limits of a flipped classroom in the context of new age learning