OnlineEducation.Net has published an infographic that includes facts about American Education system, drawbacks of US students and respective reforms that Apple is about to make to help the US Education grow again.
As we know, the American Educational system is tragically falling our youth. Student test scores are dismal and dropout rates are astronomical. But many experts believe that the latest educational technologies can get the US education system back on track. Apple recently announced three new applications that will effectively revolutionize education around the world: iBooks 2, iBooks Author, and a new and updated iTunes U. For America, the world’s largest economy, this announcement means great things especially in the field of education, as I mentioned earlier. Let me share a few important facts from the infographic:
US Education is in deep trouble:
Yes. US Education is in deep trouble. Check out the following statistics:
In K12 education, out of 30 developed nations around the world, US ranking is 25for Math and 21 for Science.
1.2 Million High-Schoolers drop out every year.
How can Tech help education?
Through multimedia learning, including digital platforms: Student interest and retention increases by 25%.
In 2001, Maine passed an initiative to provide free laptops to every 7th grader in the state. By the year 2010, interestingly there was a significant increase in 8th Graders passing Math exams from 50% to 91%.
An Inner-City high school in Euclid, Ohio gave one classroom 24 iPads and tested the students:
Results showed are 6% improvement in reading and 8% improvement in writing.
Apple’s influence in US Education system:
1.5 Million iPads in educational istituations, 20K educational iPad apps are already available and 700 Million downloads of iTunes U over the past 4 years.
iBooks 2:
Highlight words to search glossary
Quizzes and Review built into the book
Turn text into flash cards automatically.
In addition to the above mentioned, this infographic also explained about iBooks Author, and a new and updated iTunes U. Here is the infographic.
This infographic originally appeared here.
Can Tech Save Education?
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