It’s not a new thing to know that there’s a lot of data and information that we have access to, that we are linked to in this digital world; and each day that amount of data is growing rapidly.
We can see open data is having a profound effect on our society as to this growth in data, governments, institutions, and organizations across the globe are responding by making their data and information available for free use, reuse, and redisribution.
The open data revolution is really creating unique opportunities for meaningful teaching, learning, sharing, and discovery. Information search and analysis (extracting useful information), analyzing data and making sense out of it is a tough task but the need of the hour.
TuvaLabs, a US based startup aims to make open data helpful for learning and teaching purposes by providing educators, parents and students a stage to visualize, analyze and interpret real data related to the matters of their interest and communities.
Why to ChooseTuvaLabs
TuvaLabs helps educators to build data literacy skills in their students. Using this platform educators can:
Endow Reasoning and Critical Thinking with Data
Encourage students to
- think analytically about data
- ask thoughtful questions
- draw evidence-based conclusions as well as talk their findings
Transition to the Common Core Standards
Carry-on inquiry-based works as well as lessons in Social Studies, Science and Math, as well as topics associated to the Practice Standards and Common Core Content.
Bring Local & Global Issues Into the Classroom
Empower the learners to obtain the knowledge, and develop skills to become active members of their own communities.
How to Use TuvaLabs?
There are three simple steps for using TuvaLabs.
Find: Pick datasets related to the curriculum or catering to learners’ interests.
Assign: Find an activity or create your own around the dataset and assign it to your class
Evaluate: Evaluate your students’ work and provide your opinion on their work.
On TuvaLabs, one can find datasets related to related to community, development, culture politics, sports, energy, environment and historical. In fact, you can also request a dataset on TuvaLabs. There are total 93 datasets and 109 activities over the platform for grade 3-12 learners. Help your students to develop great literacy skills for a brighter future with TuvaLabs.
Check out how you can use it in your classroom.