Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has launched a new citizen-centric initiative called the SWAR (Speech and Written Analysis Resource) platform. According to an official statement, the SWAR (Speech and Written Analysis Resource) platform was launched on Good Governance Day on December 25.
Under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Team Gujarat has consistently implemented various initiatives and schemes aimed at improving the “ease of living” for its citizens, the statement added. On Good Governance Day, the Chief Minister established a new citizen-centric initiative called the SWAR (Speech and Written Analysis Resource) platform.
The statement further stated that the SWAR platform was developed by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) in partnership with the Bhashini Team of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (National Language Translation Mission). This innovative platform leverages technology to overcome language barriers. The Speech-to-Text feature has also been integrated into the Gujarat CMO website.
With the Speech-to-Text functionality, citizens can dictate their messages instead of typing them manually. The SWAR platform uses the indigenous artificial intelligence system, Bhashini, to facilitate this. This technology development will allow the state government to reach a bigger audience while improving grievance redressal and feedback systems.
In the future, the SWAR platform will support the Chief Minister’s Office by incorporating advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. Resources such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Open-Source Generationative AI (GenAI), Machine Learning (ML), and Computer Vision will be integrated into the resource library as per CMO requirements.
SWAR enhances inclusivity by allowing voice-based submission of applications and grievances, thus eliminating the dependency on English keyboards. This ensures that all citizens can access government services effectively regardless of their technological proficiency.