The Karnataka government has collaborated with the British Council to improve learning opportunities for rural communities. The partnership is signed to revolutionize English language learning for children between the ages of 5 and 12 in these selected Grama Panchayat Arivu Kendras. The Karnataka government is planning to extend this initiative to other Grama Panchayats so that students can achieve personal growth and academic success.
An agreement was signed to provide 500 English-language books to 10 selected Gram Panchayat Arivu Kendras (rural libraries) across 10 districts. These books will be housed in dedicated “British Council Library Corners,” creating spaces where children can explore, learn, and grow. In addition, all 5,880 Arivu Kendras will gain first-level access to the British Council’s Digital Library. With digital library walls in internet zones, people across rural Karnataka will benefit from world-class learning tools and resources.
Commenting on the latest development, Janaka Pushpanathan, Director of South India of British Council, said:
We have had a long-standing relationship with Karnataka, and this partnership with RDPR reflects our commitment to nurturing young learners from rural underserved communities in the state. By providing access to physical and digital resources, we aim to boost their confidence and equip them with the right skills to shape a better future. Our collaboration with the Karnataka Government underscores our shared vision of transforming lives and empowering the next generation.
This collaboration marks a significant step in the state’s commitment to providing free access to books, computers, and internet facilities to over 50 lakh children and adults. The Arivu Kendras, open 8 hours a day, including weekends, have become vibrant centres of knowledge and curiosity, thanks to the dedication of librarians who foster learning within communities.
Priyank Kharge, Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, stated:
We are on a mission to empower our rural communities through education. With our partnership with the British Council, we are taking a decisive step towards ensuring that children in rural Karnataka have access to high-quality learning resources that inspire curiosity, build skills, and open doors to bigger opportunities. By empowering our Arivu Kendras with physical and digital learning tools, we are nurturing a generation of capable young minds who will shape the future of our state.
The association builds on previous partnerships between the Karnataka government and the British Council, including efforts to upskill teachers and students, improve learning outcomes in physical education, and strengthen higher education alliances.
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organization that organizes educational opportunities and cultural relations. It creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries, building trust worldwide. Through its network of three libraries and cultural centres in India, the organization offers a range of specialized arts, education and English language projects to audiences across India and more than 100,000 members. It also provides access to English language training and learning for students and teachers and enables opportunities to study in the UK. The platform works with various government departments and partner organizations from India and the UK to nurture mutually beneficial collaborations in arts, education, and English.