The Kerala government has launched a new mobile application called Sampoorna Plus, which allows parents to monitor their children’s school performance, attendance, and extracurricular activities in real-time. The app, developed by the state-run Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE), is designed to support over 36.44 lakh students across 12,943 schools.
KITE is a government-owned company dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and implementing the modernization of educational institutions in Kerala that are either state-owned or administered with government aid.
Sampoorna Plus was launched by Kerala’s General Education Minister, V Sivankutty, and is an extension of the existing Sampoorna online management software already mandated for use in all schools by the state government. The portal provides parents access to their child’s attendance records, term exam results, mark lists, and communication updates from school authorities. A built-in communication feature allows seamless interaction between parents and teachers. It is free to download from the Google Play Store, and parents need to ensure their contact information is updated with the school to access the features.
K Anvar Sadath, CEO of KITE, highlighted the app’s potential to enhance parental involvement in education. He stated, “Necessary cyber security and security features have been incorporated into Sampoorna Plus besides empowering parents to participate actively in their children’s education. He has also confirmed that most schools have included the term exam results of Classes 1 to 9, conducted in December 2024, in this app.
The app has various features that allow parents to monitor attendance, academic progress, and evaluation of extracurricular activities. It also improves communication between parents and instructors. The app is linked to the Sampoorna Online School Management System, which provides extensive data access, and parents can download it for free from the Google Play Store.
To use the app, parents should search for ‘Sampoorna Plus’ on the Google Play Store and install it. They should choose the ‘Parent’ role from the app’s available options (HM/Teacher/Parent). First-time users must sign up using the OTP sent to their mobile number registered during their child’s admission. They should also ensure that the registered mobile number is updated with the school authorities.
The parents can log in using their mobile number as the username and view profiles, attendance, marks, and messages from the school.
The initiative reflects the state’s broader efforts to digitize education administration and enhance parent-teacher engagement. The Kerala General Education Department has instructed schools to implement Sampoorna Plus alongside the existing Sampoorna system to ensure better tracking of students’ academic and extracurricular performance. By integrating academic data on a single platform, the App aims to increase transparency and create a collaborative approach to education among parents, teachers, and schools.