Littera Education, a distinguished provider of tutoring technology and virtual high-impact services for K-12, has announced a partnership with Off2Class, which offers an English Language Development (ELD) curriculum for all secondary ELD student populations, to provide a comprehensive, high-impact tutoring solution.
Through this collaboration, Littera’s highly-trained virtual tutors will deliver 1:1 or small group sessions to ELs using the Off2Class toolkit and Littera Tutoring Management System (TMS). Off2Class provides extensive lesson content for adolescent ELs, including homework, a placement test, and assessments that work seamlessly in an online environment. Tutors will use the content to provide explicit vocabulary and grammar instruction focused on communicative and academic language, aligned to Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and Assessment (WIDA) standards.
Speaking about the development, Justin Serrano, Chief Executive Officer of Littera, said:
Some of the most acute staffing shortages in middle and high schools are among well-trained teachers working with English learners. With this solution, we can help districts provide targeted support for ELs of all levels.
Despite nationwide teacher shortages, district authorities in West Aurora School District 129 (SD129), where approximately 30% of students are ELs, have yet to find and hire new staff to educate ELs. In August 2023, Off2Class was rolled out to save district teachers time preparing for lessons with secondary newcomers.
SD129 will offer Littera virtual tutoring to ELs in their homes twice a week for 45 minutes per session or three times a week for 30 minutes per session. Each student will meet one-on-one with the same virtual tutor in a rich audio/video environment so they build rapport and trust throughout the school year. As tutors log feedback in the Littera TMS, the district can monitor program execution in real time.
Off2Class was formed in 2014 by former ESL teachers who recognized the need to adapt standard classroom materials and software for the 21st-century classroom. The ESL teacher toolkit provides a complete e-learning curriculum, along with assessment and professional development tools, that improves the language learning experience for teachers and students, saves time, and drives equitable ELL outcomes. It has been used in over 120 countries with more than 100,000 students.
Kris Jagasia, Co-founder & CEO of Off2Class, stated:
By combining Off2Class’s engaging, age-appropriate materials with the personalized, caring support of Littera tutors, districts of all sizes can help learners build the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills they’ll need for success in school and life.
Littera Education believes every child deserves the care and attention of a great tutor. The company customizes high-impact tutoring for K-12 schools and districts by supporting any student, subject, schedule or staffing model. Schools can reach every learner with individualized support with its virtual tutors, curriculum partners, and the Littera Tutoring Management System.