The Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister, Chandrakant Dada Patil, has recently launched the ‘ATAL’ initiative (Assessment, Tests, and Learning). The programme, unveiled by the Maharashtra State CET Cell, is designed to help students prepare for various entrance exams through mock and psychometric assessments. Dilip Sardesai, State Common Entrance Exam Commissioner, attended the launch event, as did other senior authorities.
The ATAL initiative aims to provide students with a platform to enhance their preparation for entrance examinations for professional courses conducted by the State Common Entrance Test Cell. Minister Patil highlighted that the programme would help students identify their strengths and abilities through psychometric evaluations and mock tests. The initiative is expected to boost students’ confidence and reduce the stress associated with high-stakes examinations by simulating real exam conditions.
The mock tests will familiarise them with the CETs, help them improve their time management skills, and develop an effective exam strategy. The psychometric tests promise to offer scientifically proven career guidance covering over 560 career options with backup career plans.
Furthermore, the program seeks to provide students with personalized education by assisting them in identifying appropriate subjects and career options based on their interests and aptitudes. Minister Patil emphasized that this effort goes beyond exam preparation by offering comprehensive academic support and encouraging students to achieve in their studies.
The programme was developed to allow students to prepare for the admission exams for several professional degrees administered by the State Common Admission Examination Board. The commissioner of the state common exam cell, Dilip Sardesai, and Ghanshyam Kedar of the CET Cell, among others, attended the inaugural ceremony.
The State CET cell in Maharashtra will provide complete information on registration and test schedules through its official website. According to the official statement, students should stay updated with the latest information and actively participate in the initiative.