Skill gap is a complex issue. With a lot to say, agree, disagree and argue about; the four reports on global skills gap will help you get a better perspective and understand it in various ways along with researches and findings in each report.
1. The BloomBerg Job Skill Report 2016: What Employer Wants
This is one great representation of the skills that are in demand by the employer and how much of it they are able to get from the market. This graphic representation focuses on individual skills that are highly demanded by recruiter hunting for the top MBA talent and also brings out the skills that are easily available and the ones that are rarely found. The report also shows how 103 business schools scored on a one-to-five scale for teaching individual skill. The reader can go in depth with each school and find out how many recruiters rated it for each skill. Focusing on 11 major industries namely financial services, technology, manufacturing, consulting, consumer products, healthcare, energy, retail, transportation, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, this report is based on a survey showing the statistics in regard to skills that are desired by recruiters dealing in each industry and how much of it they have been able to find.
To check the full report, click here.
2. Global Skill Index 2015
This skill index by the recruiting index expert, HAYS will help you decide some major skills you need to acquire before you reach out. With the main focus on Ireland, the report gives and inside out insights and stats related to employment, competition and market demands in Ireland. “The Irish economy emerged as the third fastest growing economy of the 31 countries surveyed; however urgent skills shortages may put this economic recovery at risk, with industries including IT, engineering and construction struggling to identify a sufficient supply of skilled workers to keep pace with demand in these growing industries.” The findings reflect the severity and the impact and need of ‘SKILLED’ manpower.
To Check out the full report, click here.
3. India Skill Report 2016 by WheeBox
Knowing the fact that India is a growing economy, a lot has to be done and many challenges are on the way that will be tackled. To make sure we stand through them, we need skilled and employment ready manpower to take over. The report enumerates the various initiatives taken by the government, the challenges and the impact on economy growth. The report is divided in four major sections. section 1 sets up the context of the report focusing on what changes have undergone in the past one year. Section 2 and 3 are dedicated to the detailed analysis of the Supply and Demand side of talent. Section 4 matches the information from both the ends to provide a consolidated view of the skill landscape and make suggestions that can help in improving the current situation to meet the challenging demands of the bright future.
To Check the full report, click here.
4. The Digital Talent Gap – Developing Skills for today’s Digital Organization
Living in this digital era, this report talking specifically about the importance of digital skills. The report is showing the stats and the lacking of digital skills and the inefficient approaches that are there for digital development. But also puts light on how this issue can be addressed and brings forward skills that are mandatory and relevant to witness and succeed in the digital age.
Check this amazing report to get a complete knack of the digital scenario.
Get it here.
Is there any other report that has helped you understand the issue better? Do share with us!