21st century educators have various edtech needs, and an eye is always on promising products, apps and tools that might solve their needs. Here is a list of 30 promising edtech startups from Global Edtech Startup Awards, check out which one solves your edtech need!
Tiching – It is a school educational network that enables you discover and share the resources required to teach and learn effectively.
Pear Deck – Use Pear Deck to create beautiful interactive lessons, presentations, and assessments to engage every student. It is a platform that enhances teachers’ lives by making teaching rich, easy and active.
Maker’s Empire – Maker’s Empire brings 3D printing via android, tablet and iPad to K-7 schools.
Spongelab: Spongelab provides great toolsets for organizing, bringing, and sharing lessons with the students as well as fellow educators.
ChallengeU: With ChallengeU, educators can create and share engaging activities for learning. It is accessible on all platforms.
Procwise: Procwise makes on-demand remote examination possible anywhere in the world and at any time with low cost of the Internet.
Mejorando.la: Learn and create the future of the web at Mejorando.la .
Sopreso: With Sopreso, users can make their presentation live and ask with the audience, comment and like the presentation.
Nittio Learn: With Nittio Learn, users can create their learning app on any subject and in any language within minutes.
ExamTime.com: Make learning more active and engaging. Create, share and discover learning resources worldwide.
CodeMonkey: Teach your K8 students real coding with this engaging online game.
School control: Schoolcontrol is platform which connects parents and teachers easily.
Gibbon: On Gibbon, you can collect videos and articles.
Comunitats: Timebanking: uses time as currency to empower educational community.
Infantium: Infantium brings neuroscience to education to maximize and personalize learning.
Symbolab: Symbolab expand the searchable space and make scientific content universally available.
Oddizzi: Oddizzi is an e-learning community and resource that submerges kids in the actual world.
Common Curriculum: It is a platform that enables teachers to prepare lesson plan easily.
Biteslide: Biteslide assist educators as well as students to make appealing digital projects.
MangoReader: The platform offers quality kid’s literature.
Zzish: A toolset for constructing great mobile learning apps.
LearnSprout: This platform assist stakeholders in K-12 education to utilise data to analyse, understand and anticipate past, present and future.
Lingua.ly: This platform offers fun and free means to learn a language. Here you can find flashcards vocabulary, articles, dictionary, leaderboards, practice games, and much more.
BrightBytes: This platform decodes compound analyses as well as leading-edge research into actions to increase student’s learning.
OpenEd: To offer the complete set of services and resources for flipped learning.
Edpuzzle: It is easy-to-use video tool that allows educators to create online-courses for their classrooms.
Educatablet: It is the digital content distributor for many educational establishments.
Puntaje Nacional: This free platform prepares many students in Chile for the PSU national test.
Cloudents: It’s a social studying platform.
Rabbit Speaks: This assists students, educators, as well as employers to make a language learning experience.