In the times of technological advancements occurring at a rapid rate, there is an the ever-increasing/growing need for integration of online learning (or e-learning) systems into university courses which would carry out the role of more than a data repository and have a positive yet deep impact on the rate of learner’s motivation, enriching the learning experience, nurturing the craving and curiosity to learn some thing new from the surroundings, make provisions to be dazzled by different technological mediums and create a path for innovation, much along the same lines of impact upcoming technologies like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. have on learners.
This can not only be achieved among the learners but can also put an affect on the staff and their reluctance to adopt upcoming technologies as a part of their pedagogy. But in order for these technologies to be a part of existing/new e-learning systems and to have the right kind of impact, there is a strong need for practical guidelines and recommendations to facilitate the development and delivery of pedagogically effective e-learning environments.
There is a great need to look at the design and development issues of e-learning on one end of the spectrum and on the other exploring the potentials of the ever increasing growth of different technologies which has come up under the Web 2.0 domain, which has shown a very high potential of usage for all, at different level and for different purposes. Hence Web 2.0 technologies are becoming more and more popular in the everyday lives of students. As a result, teachers and instructional designers have begun to explore their use in formal education at a very basic level.
Some of the well known Web 2.0 technologies which are used are Facbook, Twitter, Google+,Wiki, Google Blogs, Google Docs, Youtube, Piccassa, Skype, Google Chat, Slideshare etc. These Web 2.0 technologies can be envisaged as having a great potential for usage in e-learning systems to support learners with different cognitive styles and competencies to enhance their learning experience and making them feel very personal about the University learning systems much in a similar way they feel about using these systems for social purposes. And for this reason, my work here at University of Sheffield, UK would look into the possibility of addressing two major issues a) design principles for e-learning systems and b) making use of the tools provided to us by Web 2.0 in them. It would be a good thing to point at this junction that Web 2.0 is just the tip of the iceberg in comparison to the whole Ubiquitous technologies that makes use of not only internet supported softwares derived from Web 2.0 but also makes use of different devices like Mobiles (especially smart Phones), Tablets, SixthSense devices (developed by MIT) etc.
In my research, the use of Ubiquitous technologies mentioned above would be explored to derive the scope of how these technological amazements can be used for deriving an effective, efficient and enhanced personalized learning environment for not only the students but every stakeholder involved in the existing learning environment.
An e-learning system using ubiquitous technologies can be used at Universities to support students through different media depending on different cognitive needs, there is a more altruistic reason that can be achieved through this research and it is to support youths with disabilities, already at risk for being left on the educational and social sidelines, they can through social media and these emerging communications technologies, connect with the world in ways that have not been possible before.
To Read more on this/related topic please refer to my other works
On EdTech Review:
Nair,U.,(2015), Understanding and Practicing Capsule Based Learning , EdTech Review,January.2015.
Nair,U.,(2014), Holistic Findings : Through the Lens of Carpe Diem , EdTech Review, December.2014.
Nair,U.,(2014), Systems Approach to E-Learning, EdTech Review,June.2014.
Nair,U.,(2014), ‘EduÆTorium’ (Pronounced as Edu-‘I’-Torium) – An Architecture for a PLE, EdTech Review,April.2014.
Nair,U.,(2014), Experiment with MOOCs : A Case of Coursera,EdTech Review , April.2014.
Nair,U.,(2014), Instructional Design Models in the 21st Century: A Review,EdTech Review , March.2014.
Nair,U.,(2014), Learning , Teaching and Technology in Higher Education, EdTech Review, March.2014.
Nair,U.,(2013), Ubiquitous Approach to e-learning, EdTech Review, September.2013.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Nair,U.,(2015), Soft Systems Methodology For Personalized Learning Environment, e-Learning and Digital Media,Vol.12, Issue. 1,pp.34-56 (Sage Publications).
Nair,U.,(2014), Integrating ‘Ubiquitous Technology’ into online learning, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.3, No.9, pp: 1863 – 1867 (impact factor 3.36).
Nair,U.,(2014), Channelling Contemporary e-Learning Practices at Universities in UK towards ‘personalized learning environment’, International Journal of Advanced Research,Vol.2,No.6, pp. 767-776 (impact factor 1.66)
Nair,U.,Singh,P.,(2013), Food for Thought: Can Social Media be a Potential ‘Learning tool’ for Universities ?, Educational Quest : International Journal of Education and Applied Social Science, August.2013,Vol.4,Issue.2,pp 115-119.
Nair,U.,(2013), A Brief Introduction to current e-learning systems , Third Degree : The working papers of Doctoral Seminar Series,Feb.2013,Vol.1,Issue 1,pp 15-17.