Description:- AAA math is a comprehensive mathematics resource library for kindergarten to eighth grade to learn and practice almost every topic of mathematics.
Pain Point/Need:-
- Online mathematic Lessons, Exercises
- Open Mathematics platform
Usability:- AAA Math is a comprehensive mathematics resource platform for kindergarten to eighth grade students, available in both English and Spanish languages. By having multiple categories, AAA Math covers almost all mathematical concepts such as addition, algebra, comparing, counting, decimals, division, equations, actions, geometry, graphs, measurement, mental math etc. that are required for k-8 grades. Each concept is broken down into sub concepts and sub concepts are further broken down according to specific skill-sets. Users can also browse the material by grade level. This is very helpful for teachers and parents who are looking for topic specific material for their students. Every Lesson allows users to improve their learning through Learn, Practice, Play and Explore methodologies that provide a structured way of learning to the beginners. Also, most of the skill pages include a brief overview of the skill with examples and a practice game. Most practice games offer three different alternate stages: Countdown, Give Me Time, and 20 Questions. Countdown involves getting as many correct answers as you can in 60 seconds, Give Me Times gives you extra time for each correct answer, and 20 Questions involves getting 20 more correct answers than the incorrect answers as quickly as possible. For teachers, AAA Math can be a good resource if they are looking for alternate ways to teach specific concepts.
Prices: – Free
Our Review:- AAA math is a good open learning platform for K-8 students who want to learn mathematics topics in a quick and easy fashion. By covering almost all topics of mathematics required by students, the platform allows them to learn, practice and explore new things possible on any topic. Also by providing good resources students and teachers can easily solve their class related issues. Availability of unlimited practice questions allows the students to try out enough questions until they feel confident. One of the good features of AAA math is that, its platform provides easy user interaction throughout every lesson which engages the users. AAA Math is a good mathematics resource for students who want to learn and practice their mathematics skills in a more easy and interactive manner.
How to use it (Training Videos):-
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