Pain Point/Need:-
- Online Collaboration and Management Platform
- Learning Management System
- Online Courses
Platform:- Web, Android, Blackberry
Prices:- FREE
Usability:-CourseSites is a cloud-based Blackboard’s product, which offers free learning platform for instructors and students. CourseSites allows users to sign-up either as an instructor or a student so that one can use the default system properties associated with each role. CourseSites allows instructors to have up to 5 live classes at a time, share educational resources, access & manage grades, integrate multimedia into class content, and engage students in social learning. Educators can use the ‘Course Invitations’ tool to invite students and students can follow the invitation link to join their course. With Coursesites, educators can easily customize the modules on their home page by adding modules with ‘add module’ tool to stay updated on tasks. For collaboration, they can use features like calendar, posts, people, organization, classes etc. from the dropdown near their username on the top right.
Our Review:-CourseSites is a good platform for learners to stay organized and communicate with other fellow educators for free. With features like, post course materials, communication with students, collaboration, performance monitoring and grades management,instructors and schools have the opportunity to setup their schools or classes for better online learning. CourseSites are available to instructors and their students 24*7 via Internet. With a flexible homepage and course design capabilities, educators can customize the modules on their homepage for better learning,and can also connect with learners of all ages. While collaborating and managing students, educators can create quizzes with CourseSites quickly and easily. Good part of this platform is that users can have self-paced courses with training documents, extensive knowledge base and videos. CourseSitesis a free online learning environment that educators can set up to meet their personal teaching style,curriculum, and student needs,and has proved to be a good solution for instructors and students to collaborate.
How to use it (Training Video):-
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