Pain Point/Need: –
- Classroom Management Tool
- Educational social networking platform
Platform:- Web, Android, IPhone, IPad
Usability:- Schoology is a tool for complete online class management. It provides educators the ability to manage their classes and work in a properly structured manner. Schoology asks users to sign up with a specific role of an instructor, student or parent for better platform utilization and productivity. For Signup as students or parents,users)need an access code from the instructors. Schoology allows instructors to add courses, groups& resources through which they can invite and manage educators, learners and parents to collaborate and join them to access more information. With the social wall, instructors have the permission to post updates to specific groups,but students can only post events and collaborate on an instructor’s post with comments and likes. For productivity,the platform provides an app center from where educators can choose and install desired apps for their work. Also with strong privacy settings,Schoology allows educators to set access permission for their group members on the use of apps and other things.
Prices:- Free
Our Review: – With Schoology,educators can easily set up classes with students for better management, collaboration and sharing of resources. It has an interactive UI and other engaging features that allow educators to do things like posting assignments, quizzes, discussions, messages etc. Schoology platform has a feature which allows students and parents to connect to their desired instructor. Another good feature is that educator scan manage all their assignments, files and links in structured folders so that they can attach them to their courses as and when required for better learning. User scan stay updated with features like ‘upcoming’ on the right column. With Schoology Blogs, they can read and learn from different people. It’s a good tool for managers to centralize, manage, optimize and structure their work pattern.
How to use it (Training Video):-
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