AnswerPad offers 3 types of subscriptions for teachers. Starting with the Single Teacher Plan – which is the default subscription plan and is free. It is only applicable for 1 teacher and 1 classroom with a maximum of 36 students at a time. Next is the Individual Teacher Plan, where the limits on the number of classes and the number of students are waved off so the teacher can have unlimited classes added to their accounts and unlimited students as well. Another plan is for an entire school/institution, which offers full system access with the only variation being cost/student/teacher.
While adding additional student licenses for Individual student plans, the teachers can also use a coupon code to get additional discounts.
The Go Interactive features allows teachers to connect with all their students present in the class over an iPad or a PC and receive instant responses to questions. This helps in collaboration, as it allows a teacher to seek response from the students in a variety of ways like: Multiple Choice, True/False, Yes/No, Up/Down, Fill-in, Slider and even custom shapes. Also, teachers can send blank canvases to students for them to draw on(such as, a diagram or a shape), and once the students submit their response, the teacher can see all the responses in real time making teaching more effective.
Another great thing about this platform is that the system allows teachers to create customised frameworks for assignments as well as tests that empower the teacher to have full control over the teaching.
The answer sheet creator module also provides great features like, reviewing and home access to ease out the tasks of conducting assignments and tests. All of this is backed up by the advanced Grading System.
The system offers an advanced detailed reporting and grading module that allows teachers to get comprehensive reports of each student, about how they have performed in each test, including the time taken to complete the tests and therefore helping them to have formative as well as summative assessment.
The system offers great accessibility with a simple UI to facilitate user engagement and to ensure maximum productivity with its powerful features.
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