Pain Point/Need:-
- Online Task Management System
- Online To-do List
- Online Collaboration and Project management
Platform:- Web, iPhone, Android Phone, Windows 8, Chrome add-on
Usability:- For getting started with Trello, users need to sign-up with Trello. For the sign-up process, users can use their Google account or create a new Trello account, by filling up the sign up form and it’s free. The tasks are represented as cards placed on a board and a user can have multiple cards and boards at the same time. The application makes use of drag and drop functionality within the main screen, allowing users to progress step by step through the cards and the boards. Users can also prioritize cards or tasks within a workflow deck. Task cards can be arranged into columns such as TO DO, DOING and DONE depending on the user’s requirement and based on task status. Educators can create their boards and organizations based on class name, school name etc. Users have the ability to enable/disable a range of board options from voting, comments, invitation and visibility from the options menu to change the pre-defined board layout and behavior as per the need to customize the environment. For collaboration and better management, new educators can be added to Trello by inviting them through email invitations. Trello allows users to create and be a member of multiple boards. It also allows users to drag and drop images from other websites to their cards and easily upload files directly from their Dropbox and Google Drive accounts.
Prices:- Free
Our Review:- Trello is a good tool for educators, students or organizations working on a project individually or in groups with a simple user interface and easy to use functions. One of the good features of Trello is that each card or task can be prioritized and progressed with the use of drag and drop functionality. With Trello, teachers can work on a project with a good number of students for better monitoring, management and collaboration. They can assign tasks to individual students and keep themselves updated on the status of each task. Also they can include attachments, upload files directly from their Dropbox and Google Drive accounts, to their tasks. With features like inviting contacts through mail; teachers and students can invite external members to their boards for working on tasks. Trello is a good tool for task management and tracking as it offers features to monitor task status and manage proper attachments and external user invitation extending the usability of the platform.
How to use it (Training Videos):-
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