Top EdTech Trends That Look Promising For 2019
In the education industry, people in the community have seen technological changes…
SuperBot for Education: Conversational ChatBot for Admission Counselling
Two Things - The increasing popularity of mobile messaging apps and advances…
Emerging Tech Can Assist Colleges & Universities Battle Retention Problem
Technologies such like Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence are helping higher education… Launches a Smarter Chatbot for Teachers – Drastically Simplifying Teacher Improvement
The influx of teachers wanting to try the new generation of feedback…
SuperBot for Education: India’s First Chatbot for Educational Institutes
Today, is an era of technology with impossible things turning into reality.
5 Key Trends in Machine Learning from TED Speakers
While machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are not exactly the same,…
Role of Machine Learning in Education With Examples
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being…