We sometimes interchange the terms “behaviour management” and “classroom management.”
However, behaviour management and classroom management are very much related, but are completely different in their applications. With behaviour management, we are always talking about stopping a behaviour, managing it, or eliminating it. With classroom management, we are talking about creating systems that support positive behaviours across a classroom environment. Behaviour management is most often referred to as a component of the behaviourist approach. It is a way to develop a system, which will make managing the students, teacher and classroom easier.
“Behaviour management” in the classroom is something that lots of teachers might have struggled with. Even the best teachers would have gone through this. It can be a great source of stress and anxiety if it gets hard to control the students. Teachers scramble for various best practices, resources and tools to work upon the behaviour management of students.
Keeping that in mind, we have curated a list of top behaviour management tools that educators must explore for their classrooms and schools.
Socrative is a quite popular app, and this may not seem like a behaviour management tool at first browse. Still, after using it for a couple of minutes, you will know how engaging this application is for students. It is a formative assessment tool that allows you to design questionnaires, polls, exit tickets and much more.
At Socrative, students can readily connect with the teacher and participate. The class can instantly discuss student responses and take part in technology-based learning. When pupils are excited and focused on learning, their behaviour can become more manageable. It is a game-based application that allows teachers to create engaging polls and questionnaires. The app allows users to create surveys, quizzes, exit tickets, checklists and more, in just a few clicks. Once you have created your survey or quiz, students receive an email with a link to the application. Respondents can answer questions independently, which removes some of the pressure to answer questions in a certain amount of time. You can also use it for quick checks in your class. For example, you can use it as an attendance tool to let students know whether or not they are present in class.
As the name suggests, the Too Noisy app checks the noise in the classroom. It has a noise meter that tracks the sound level in your classroom. The smiley face changes along with the noise meter if it becomes too loud. The app charges $3.99 for its paid version and comes with upgrades, including different graphics for the holidays and fun new characters.
With ClassDojo, you can encourage positive behaviours with gamification and reward elements. In addition, it uses private, digital student portfolios to showcase their work for their parents to see. Also, teachers can share photos, videos, announcements and message parents using its in-built instant messaging feature.
Not only this, students’ progress reports can be designed and monitored throughout the year, and if used effectively, it can also save educators time. In addition, students love designing the monster that they use to communicate with others within the tool.
Designed for K-5 students, the Great Behavior Game contains game pieces for each student with their name surrounded by stars, and students earn points when they click on their stars. Also, teaches can assign behaviour points (and take away points) while teaching the lessons.
The great behaviour game also monitors students’ progress over time and summarizes their scores each week. Later, send weekly reports to parents.
From documenting student behaviour and communicating with parents, the Teacher’s Assistant helps you do all – track students’ behaviour, notice trends, communicate with parents, and manage your students. With this tool, you can easily create categories to monitor recurring behaviours like talking, teasing, bullying, etc. It also lets you log positive behaviour. You can try the free version (iOS) or upgrade to Pro on iPad, iPhone, and Android.
Designed for k-12 and beyond, Teacher Kit comes with a wide variety of features; it helps manage multiple classes and students. For example, using a teacher kit, you can keep track of students’ behaviour. From logging students’ attendance, recording grades, seating charts to making reports, you can do all at Teacher Kit. You can hold on to your smart device as you take around in the classroom, make behaviour notes in real-time with a few taps on the screen, and share and print reports with parents.
The Classcraft platform is an easy-to-use ed-tech system, serving over 5 million teachers and students across the globe. It encourages students to collaborate. It also gives them real-time feedback on soft skills, such as attendance, homework completion, and classroom behaviour. Students can also earn points and build their reputations to turn in homework on time or helping other students during class.
With Classcraft, teachers can also easily create a classroom community where students and parents are connected, allowing them to understand one another better. In addition, teachers can keep track of how students perform in class and make sure everyone is on the same page regarding school goals and expectations.
Kickboard is a cloud-based, online classroom management tool that helps teachers manage and engage students in classroom activities. It allows teachers to input and analyzes the behaviour and interaction of their students right at the moment.
It also monitors and provides a real-time assessment of the effectiveness of the techniques and systems.
The Kickboard offers an extensive choice of libraries and widgets, allows you to assess students’ performance, view data, share feedback and communicate with students in real-time. In addition, the platform offers various widgets that include student performance, lists, classwork, grades, assignments, attendance records, calendars, and many more.
The platform comes with a drag and drop interface that helps teachers build engaging lessons, collaborate in real-time with other teachers and easily conduct presentations.
With Stick Pick, you can effortlessly differentiate instruction and manage student responses. Also, you can categorize students based on their proficiency level and pair each student to questions that most suits their ability level. Furthermore, Stick Pick also allows selecting students randomly and providing them with a perfect solution as per their needs.
The transition from classroom operations often leads to an outbreak of disruptive behaviour. With Stop Go! You can make class transitions happen more easily.
With its simple traffic light app, you can set a timer and signal to students that it is time to wrap up an activity and move on to the next one.
As the light changes, the bell chimes, signalling students that they may have missed the visual cue.
It is a website and app which allows teachers to create a customizable classroom seating chart. Class Craft can also track student behaviour, reading levels, or any other student data.
Using Class Chart, you can choose to project the chart on a screen in your classroom, displaying student behaviour “scores” and adding or removing points during class, and also, use it for creating and keeping track of student information and seats across one or multiple classes. Each student can be given a downloaded photo or a fun avatar. When the app gives or takes behaviour points, the site provides notification and adds a number to each student’s avatar reflecting their current behaviour “status.” The app also allows you to add notes whenever you give or take away points. Not only this, students and parents can use this app to monitor their progress.
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