Below is a list of videos that will help you learn about higher education reforms from different perspectives and plan your part in a better way. Check them out!
1. The Importance of Education Reform by the President Obama
In this video, the President of America, puts light on the importance of higher education and how reforms needs to be done as this is not just an issue but turning out to be “the issue of the economy”. Because higher education has never been more expensive, it is even more important to make sure that it reaches everyone. A great video to have better perspective and a better understanding towards the issue of Ed reforms and the importance it hold in the area of higher education.
2. AskWith Forum: Higher Education, the Cost Disease, and Systemic Reform
Talking about the reforms that are needed, state of higher education post World War II and major concerns related to access to higher education. The speaker also suggests a reality check and a number of needed reforms.
3. A crucial time in higher education in Australia – Prof. Sandra Harding
“The government has said it wants 40% of all 25 to 34 year-olds to hold a qualification at bachelor level or above by 2025. This is a mighty aspiration and one that Universities Australia fully supports. When you think that in 1970, just 3% of all adult Australians held a university degree, it is marvelous that this figure is now at 37%. Recent progress has been startling, but “best of times” progress depends on ensuring base funding grows to service this growth in students.” Sharing stats, talking about the status quo; this video will give you some serious goals to make that change happen.
4. Higher Education Reform Dynamics: A Research Perspective
Higher education institutions too often seek to compete in many areas but when we talk about capacity to excel, we are usually short of list. Check out this video ang know more about the higher education reforms from a research perspective.
5. Higher Education in India: A Special Talk by Sukhadeo Thorat | The New School
Know more about emerging issues of diversity and discrimination in India’s institutions of higher education. A renowned scholar and contributor to organizations such as UNICEF and the World Bank, Professor Thorat has helped develop government policies and influenced the strategies of international agencies.
Also Check: 5 Great Videos on Education Reform
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