There is no denying to the fact that technology has slowly made its foray in education.
In the present time, one cannot say that knowledge is just limited to books. It includes the use of digital platforms such as website, apps, videos, live chats etc. So, enlisted below are five videos teaching parents on technology. These videos also talk on how parents must not disallow their kids to use technology at home and help them use technology in the right direction just as the teachers do in classroom teaching.
Parents Speak on Teachers, Curriculum & Technology in classroom learning
The video below reflects the satisfaction level of the parents in relation to personalized learning process. Each of the parents know what technology the teachers use for their kids to help them get into the curriculum learning.
Educating parents on Media & Technology use for kids
In this video Martha Campos- the instructional technology coach speaks with the parents on how they could guide their kids in the area of media and technology use. She as an expert in the field teaches parent tech and explain them the effective use of technology and the good results it offers in turn.
Tips for parents on using Digital Technology with Kids
In the video, experts speak on how parents must simply let go their kids to use technology on their own in their supervision. The parents need not worry if their kids know more of technology than they do as the kids can actually guide their parents along the way.
Parents, Children & Technology
This video explains how as parents must first embrace technology to teach kids embrace it. It is a very friendly discussion with parents to help them set a clear boundaries with the productive use of technology.
Involving Parents in Digital Citizenship
This video talks on how parents learned the different knitty gritty of digital platforms by joining a digital citizenship education session. It is very important for parents to know the slice of technology to helps their kids understand them when they question it to their parents.
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