Any BYOD classroom encompasses the use of personal electronic devices by students to facilitate them with the much needed collaboration and engagement.
In order to have a successful BYOD environment in your classroom, there are few things that you can’t skip on.
Enlisted are the pointers that you must take in account when working on your BYOD classroom.
Educate the Concept to Students
When you are starting or switching to a different pedagogy it is essential that you make sure all the elements of that classroom are aware and prepared for the change. So, when starting your BYOD classroom, make sure that you take the time to explain the concept to your students and make parents understand about the use of technology in the classroom. There are chances that parents aren’t aware about the whole concept of BYOD and not favor the use of smart devices, therefore, it is important that you make parents understand that the BYOD classroom is a place where electronic devices are used as an aid to engage students and create interactive learning environments. It is essential to make them understand that these devices will not be providing them the resources to study but also will help them in the every activity throughout. They will also be able to make assignments, access course instructions, materials and even calendars more readily accessible. The goal of technology in the classroom is to enhance the learning environment.
Limitations & Boundaries
One thing with a BYOD classroom is that students misuse the technology in hand. It is essential that you make them strictly understand the boundaries of using the device and set certain limitations and boundaries as well. One that educators can do is use the initial implementation phase as a time to set boundaries for the use of electronic devices in the classroom. The goal is to make student fully understand that a BYOD classroom is not an excuse to bring an electronic device in for personal use. The classroom is not the place for listening to music, making phone calls, sending text messages, checking personal e-mails or playing games. Instead, explain that students are only to use their electronic devices under your supervision and in accordance with the day’s lecture or assignments.
Another aspect to consider here is to allow some free time for their electronic devices and setting some confined computer use rules. If you’re allowing free time to students for their device use, make it clear that there is set time limit they have to abide by. For instance, some teachers allow students to listen to music via headphones from their personal devices while doing seatwork.
The next thing that you must do is set some ground computer use rules. If your school has a list of rules for computer use in the information technology (IT) department or computer lab, make copies of those rules and share them with your students. The use of a personal electronic device during school hours falls under the same rules.
Pick Your Apps
With BYOD in action, you’ll be needing a lot more apps and tools to fulfill your various needs like communication, collaboration sharing and more. As there will be multiple devices and many platforms being used in the classroom, it is ideal to use a communication app with which you can communicate easily with multiple devices no matter the manufacturer or operating system.
Back-Up Plan
Although high-tech devices are heavily relied upon on a daily basis, sometimes the technology itself isn’t so reliable. With this in mind, its important that you plan ahead for those days when the school’s Wi-Fi service is down or electronic devices just aren’t cooperating. Make sure that all of your course materials and lesson plans can be used with or without electronic devices. Alternatively, set aside a couple of spare lesson plans for those ‘just in case’ days.
Internet Safety
Creating a BYOD classroom is a lot of fun, especially for the students who are accustomed to using their electronic devices daily. As a teacher, it’s up to you to keep that learning environment safe and secure as well. Remember to incorporate Internet safety into your course materials. This not only helps students learn to be cautious online at school, but also to be aware and safe while online outside of the classroom.
What else is essential to double tick while creating the BYOD environment?
Make sure you mention it in the comment section below!
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9 Amazing Resources to Promote Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship