A student centered classroom is characterized by the active involvement of the student. It includes students in planning, implementation and assessment. Involving learners in all these critical decisions transfers a lot of work on them which is a good thing as students feel responsible for their learning needs. In such a scenario, teachers must be willing to lose control and change their leadership style from directive to consultative.
The following pointers will help you get a knack of some of the ways and strategies that you can adapt to while practicing in a student centered classroom.
1. Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning involves small groups working together to accomplish a learning task. Students divided in small groups get to work together which gives them an opportunity to brainstorm and learn collaboratively.
2. Presentations
We are all familiar with presentations. Often students are given topics to create presentation. This is a great ay to make the student center of this task as student get the freedom of expressing thoughts and ideas in the most creative ways. It also helps the educator to get a sense of the students’ caliber and understanding.
3. Panel Discussion or expert discussion
This is another innovative way to engage the class and add a fun element to the learning. What educators can do is to ask all students to prepare on one topic and discuss among the whole class. Either teacher can be the panel head or every student can be given a chance every once in a while.
4. Case Studies
Case studies gives hands on learning experience and if you’re learning your way through it then you are probably on the right track. Be it involving practically on cases or studying the cases of past, it helps students dive deep into the facts, learn and analyze the course of action. Learning through case studies is a good option especially when learning about complex issues, where students get to apply critical thinking and explore scenarios.
5. Conducting Workshop among the Classroom
This can be a fun activity to help the kids learn with their peers. Students can create the workshop and conduct it with peers. The peers can then give feedback and get into a discussion.
6. Competitions
Competitions are a great way to help students take charge of their learning. The competitive element helps them to push themselves and work on their learning needs. And with technology in action, you can even look out for some online competitions and get students enrolled to make it more exciting. Else, students can engage in competitions among their classroom with peers or with students of other schools as well. This is also gives students the opportunity to move out of the comfort zone and interact with other students.
7. Debates
During a debate students challenge each other. Hosting debates will helps students think critically and work upon their subject. The debate can take a break at intervals for additional research. This can be done individually or in groups. However, if done in groups it would bring more benefit to the classroom.
8. Project Based Learning
Projects give students a chance to work real time on problems and come out with solutions. PBL is one of the most authentic and student centered approach as it enables the child to come out with solutions in order to solve the problem.
9. Inquiry based learning
Next to project based learning, inquiry based learning is also a great way to help students get started with their learning, Inquiry based learning starts with a question. This approach is primarily known wherein the learner actively participates, asks questions and interacts with the mentor to clear his/her doubts. It comes in many forms. Try guided inquiry for more structure. Try open inquiry for less.
10. Social Media
Social media is the new favorite thing for all kids. It is exciting for students to virtually connect and stay active on the social media verticals. So it’d be a great thing to leverage the power of social media for their learning needs. You can use it effectively to share a message. Also, using it to get feedback can be another way. The key is to keep the message short, simple & on point.
In what other ways you create a student centered learning environment?
Make sure you mention in the comment section below!