Research claims that over 300 children with ADHD, under the age group 8-12, have improved their attention capability by playing AKL-T01. Alike this, those playing, Fast ForWord, a video training program specially designed for dyslexic learners, have benefited from it. The American Psychological Association released the findings of a study about using Fast ForWord. This video training program aims for “attention, processing, cognitive, linguistic and reading skills” through “highly individualized cross-training.”
The results of the study showed that these digital therapy programs had made vital improvements, reducing the time it takes for treatments to take effect, from years of intervention to weeks.
Another study conducted on 44 students (age range = 6–16 years; experimental group = 24; control group = 20) analyzes the effects on the attention of a serious game based on multiple intelligences highlighting the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific learning disorder (SLD). Performance and observation measures of attention were used. The intervention consisted of 28 sessions (10 min each), in which the participants trained with ten games based on multiple intelligences. A significant improvement in attention performance measures (visual attention) was found after the intervention, with the experimental and the control groups significantly differing in the post-test. Also, these results invite consideration of the applicability of boosting different bits of intelligence, talents or unique abilities through educational video games as an essential bridge to improving areas of deficit-in this case, attention-in of students with learning disabilities.
Plus, the need to broaden the study of educational video games and their possible benefits to different cognitive variables and diverse populations, especially those with difficulties in the automation or control of cognitive processes, such as attention, was found.
So, it is fair to say for children with disabilities. Video games can provide opportunities for practising everything from communication skills to organization -even social interaction – in a comfortable environment where players give rhythm. While games designed specifically for disabled children can address specific questions, Many mainstream titles can support your child’s learning. These games can stimulate a sense of independence and trust among children with disabilities, allow them to seek help, and allow them to challenge themselves.