Today educational resources are working as the heart of the noble profession of teaching. Individual and collective production of resources is experiencing unprecedented growth with the development of ICT and networks. Digital work environments will further strengthen this trend.
We cannot deny the richness of this production of digital resources and their contributions in training and professionalization. But finding information on the Internet is difficult and does not always lead to the most relevant documents. It is therefore essential, particularly in the context of modelling a digital environment for the first degree, to have the tools for adding resources for teaching descriptive information (both technical and pedagogical) to better qualify.
ICONITO, school digital space falls within the concept of digital workspaces. It is a portal resource for teachers, students, parents as well as external stakeholders, as part of an academic division, a municipality or group of municipalities. It provides its users with basic services, such as messaging, a directory, a shared calendar, and notebook features like electronic text storage spaces. It provides teachers an educational kit which is a set of educational contents and services (software, websites, course, etc.), a simple and easy that anyone can access and enrich its resources and personal productions.
All ICONITO users can carry out a multi-criteria search through the resources (lesson plans, assessments, children’s sites, software, videos, etc.). This considering the real needs of users involved the development of an approach to resource description based on LOM metadata fields adapted to the needs of users on the type of content (background, form, media, programs, levels, etc.).
A Social Bookmarking Tool
Blink list is a social bookmarking tool that offers interesting features such as tag clouds (*), the counter clicks, private entrances. This new type of service Web 2.0 allows the user to share his or her interests (at least those he listed in his favourites) and knowledge. It can record their favourite sites, tagger by associating keywords to find them easily and share them on the web. With Blink list, you not only can manage your favourites, but also to discover the online bookmarks with the same interests as you. The cloud of tags (tag cloud) to view ‘knowledge’ of network resources that applies to you as part of your teaching profession. You can share these resources with other people with the same interests as you in the frame, for example, community work on a sector or theme of core skills. With a few clicks, you can find the resource that interests you; a sequence of keywords is the fastest solution to a targeted query.
A Lively and Interactive Educational Web
Networks and social bookmarks, folksonomies, tags, etc., with Web 2.0, the teacher as user is no longer passive but collaborative: he or she is an actor on the Internet and participate in the production, sharing, classification and enrichment of educational content. We switch to a web library where we find meaning of concern content directly, allowing it to better understand and control ‘re-documentation the world’ to resume expression.
One of the challenges is the development of intellectual capital, the exchanges between the actors of the educational community, resource sharing, improving learning and teacher education with new web tools. In this context, it is important to identify the organizational recommendations to offer the education management system.