Welcome to the year 2014’s 2nd weekly digest with Dr. Rod Berger for EdTechReview.in and Core of Education.
Folks in previous weekly-digest i mentioned that edtechreview.in is doing great with infographic’s as they are picking up very insightful topic’s for the infographics so lets us start this week’s digest with these fantastic infographics.
Here is the summary about what all is there in this Weekly Digest:
[Infographic] How Technology is Facilitating Student Learning
Technology helps students and teachers to learn and teach effectively and efficiently. It’s a known fact now . This infographic provides information about how different types of technologies help students to learn and teachers to teach more and more efficiently
[Infographic] Your Guide to Online Degree Programs
Here are some details from the infographic:
Make sure your online school is accredited — an endorsement that college use to let potential students know they are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
FAQs about online (or traditional) accreditation:
It’s voluntary and a non-governmental
It’s done by independent agencies….
[Infographic] Can Tech Save Education
Here’s an infographic that includes facts about American Education system, drawbacks of US students and respective reforms that Apple is about to make to help the US Education grow again.
As we know, the American Educational system is tragically falling our youth. Student test scores are dismal and dropout rates are astronomical. But many experts believe that the latest educational technologies can get the US education system back on track.
Top Tech Tips for Parents to keep Them in the Digital Loop
Children have become so adept and advanced with using technology that their parents have started feeling two steps behind them.
Parents often feel the need to be at par with their children in using technology since schools have shifted towards online platforms and e-learning devices, which make tech-challenged parents feel intimidated. Parents now need to help their children build wikis and solve Math problems on iPad apps, complete and submit their homework and assignments online.
Integrating Technology in a Special Education Classroom
Technology is needed in every classroom regardless of what type of classroom it is. Every type of class uses some sort of technology to advance their students’ knowledge and speed up the learning process.
Technology is used more in a special education classroom than in any other classroom setting because of all the different types of students and their learning needs that need to be met in order to make education successful for them.