“Nearly one-third of academic enrollment across the United States is in online degree programs. Today, students of all ages can earn an Associate, Bachelor or Master’s degree online through one of many accredited universities offering online college degrees.
For professionals seeking to upgrade their education credentials to an MBA, they now have the freedom to choose to complete their degree online, from the comfort of their home or office, regardless if it is 2:00 PM. or 2:00 AM.
When online college degrees were new in the market, many critics believed the quality of education was not on par with traditional classroom learning. However, the pendulum is swinging and now 77% of academic leaders believe online learning is of equal, or better quality than traditional classroom learning. Online MBA degree programs have altered coursework for the online environment, and the knowledge of their professional students while supporting their commitment to a high-quality education.
When selecting an online MBA program, it is essential to carefully evaluate the school, the program, and the success of the alumni. One of the best ways to do that is to ensure that the program is accredited through Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (“ACSB”). While there are many accrediting bodies, the ACSB is the most prestigious and coveted by business schools across the world. Accrediting criteria includes evaluation of alumni success, national rankings, school history, and more.”
The infographic originally appeared here.